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Los siguientos son partes de los pronunciamientos más relevantes respecto al impacto del COVID-19 en asentamientos humanos. 



UN Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing 


“Housing has become the front line defence against the coronavirus. Home has rarely been more of a life or death situation”


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ONU Hábitat. 


“It is clear that the pandemic will hit the world’s most vulnerable people the hardest—many of them living in informal settlements and slums in cities”


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Urban Housing Practitioners Hub (UHPH)


Laboratorio de Vivienda (LAV) – Asentamientos precarios y vivienda social: impactos del COVID-19 y respuesta.


Las estrategias de aislamiento, distanciamiento social y cuarentena como se han implementado en otros contextos no son sostenibles y en otros casos no son viables en la medida en que ponen en riesgo la supervivencia de los habitantes de áreas con condiciones de habitabilidad precaria. 


La estrategia más expedita para capitalizar la respuesta inmediata y aportar a la recuperación pos- pandemia de largo plazo es generar una alianza intersectorial regional que catapulte un renovado programa de mejoramiento integral de barrios saludables. 


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Crisis de cuidados 


La pandemia de la enfermedad por coronavirus (COVID-19) ha puesto de relieve, de forma inédita, la importancia de los cuidados para la sostenibilidad de la vida y la poca visibilidad que tiene este sector en las economías de la región, en las que se sigue considerando una externalidad y no un componente fundamental para el desarrollo.


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Global Platform for the Right to the City


“Recuperar y fortalecer los servicios públicos comunitarios / Transitar hacia una sociedad de los cuidados, reconociendo el rol de las mujeres como  cuidadoras de hogares y comunidad”


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LRGs are taking the lead and providing bold responses to the local housing challenges triggered by the COVID-19 crisis.
(Download briefing in Spanish)


The sacrifices of our communities cannot go unnoticed. We, the leaders of local and regional governments around the world, are looking ahead, well aware that our cities, towns, and territories will never be the same in the aftermath of this crisis


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Habitat International Coalition 


Más que nunca, tod@s debemos evitar estigmatizar y discriminar a otr@s en esta crisis común.



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Social Science and Humanitarian Action Group


Preparedness and early action by local governments and communities is essential. Once an outbreak occurs escalation can be rapid, leaving little room for further planning. 


Historically, informal settlements and their residents have been stigmatised, blamed, and subject to rules and regulations which are unaffordable or unfeasible to adhere to. Responses to COVID-19 should not repeat these mistakes. Collaborating with local residents and trusting them as stewards of their community, with unsurpassed knowledge of relevant spatial and social infrastructures, will enable effective control measures. 


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Institute of Development Studies 


 "‘Slums’ are hard to know. The informal or illegal status of many deprived settlements often undermines both the collection of data and the implementation of policies to improve health.


Informal settlements and their residents are part and parcel of the city system, often subsidising and contributing to life elsewhere in the city.


Community engagement will be key to effective epidemic control, be it delivering trusted messages, carrying out surveillance, or attempting to limit movement"


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International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED)


The global spread of COVID-19 poses particular risks for the one billion people living in informal urban settlements in the global South. A range of factors make transition of the virus more likely and strategies to tackle it extremely difficult to implement.


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Global DashBoard 


A one-size-fits-all approach, however, risks overlooking the enormous differences between rich and poor countries with regard to living conditions, social mores, and the availability of resources and services.


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Yale School of medicine  


Slum Health Immediate Measures: Create Informal settlements/slum emergency planning committees / Immediate moratorium on evictions / Immediate guarantee of payments to the poor / Immediate Community Health Worker deployment/ Immediately met Sphere Humanitarian standards for water, sanitation and hygiene/Immediate food assistance/ Solid Waste collection strategy / Immediate plan for mobility & health care.


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Inter-American Development Bank


Desde el punto de vista de la política urbana existen cuatro áreas donde los gestores de políticas pueden incidir durante la crisis: Provisión de infraestructura / Reforzar pautas de comportamiento/Activar la economía local/ Articular con otras áreas de gobierno


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Women’s Enviroment and Development Organisation 


  • A world centred on regeneration and care, for ourselves, for others, for our planet, is the only sustainable future. 

  • Inequality and injustice are incompatible with a healthy world.

  • We can radically transform our world to meet global crises if we work with purpose and in solidarity.


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Centre for women’s global leadership 


Violence against women, domestic violence/Intimate partner violence (DV/IPV). Rates and severity of domestic violence/intimate partner violence against women, including sexual and reproductive violence, will likely surge as tension rises. Mobility restrictions (social distance, self-isolation, extreme lockdown, or quarantine) will also increase survivors’ vulnerability to abuse and need for protection services.


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